MENNEKES product solutions can be found in data centres of all kinds. You'll mainly encounter them being used to supply power to server cabinets:
The server cabinets of a data centre need to be consistently supplied with failsafe power to ensure that data remains readily available at all times. Since, as the motto goes, "two is better than one", every server cabinet has two socket strips (also called "rack power distribution units" or PDUs for short) for supplying the installed equipment with power. This provides double protection of hardware and data. This is where our solutions come into play: we supply you with appropriate wall mounted sockets and the corresponding plugs – gladly double for each server cabinet. This way everything is protected twice, and you can disconnect one of the socket strips from the power source to replace it without worrying about interrupting operation – simply by "plug & play".
In practice, the socket strips for the server cabinets are often also supplied with power via busbar systems. Instead of flowing through a wall mounted socket, the current passes though a busbar distributor with clamped-on adapters or switchgear. We supply precisely fitting solutions to makers of these systems: panel mounted sockets, connectros and plugs. These solutions ensure consistently flexible and failsafe operation of busbar systems and power distribution units.